As time passed, Clan Keldau eventually died out, but the famed Mandalorian clan was remembered long after its demise Tor Vizsla, founder and leader of the radical Death Watch, noted Clan Keldau's place in Mandalorian history in his manifesto, Ba'jurne Kyr'tsad Mando'ad. In Chapter 20: The Foundling, The Armorer forges a new piece of Mandalorian armor for Grogu, a rondel bearing Djarins mudhorn sigil. Made from polyester, this green 39Thirty flex fit hat from New Era comes with a rounded bill and the Mandalorians gold Mudhorn Sigil on the front. Clan Keldau earned great renown in Mandalorian culture for the many combat trainers that emerged from its ranks, and bore the iconic symbol of a mythosaur skull as its identifying clan sigil. As a matter of fact, this helmet had been carved from out of the sternum of a mythosaur, by Mandalore the First. during the Great Shadow Crusade, the image of the massive skull was the sigil of Clan Keldau, famed for its combat trainers." ― Tor Vizsla Ĭlan Keldau was an ancient Mandalorian clan that existed during the time of the Mandalorian Crusades.